What's the major difference between a large successful business and a small struggling business? The former has documented systems while the latter doesn't. Systemizing sounds complex, but it is not. Agyl provides a proven set of tools and methodology for building, documenting, and automating business systems. Business Owners want their businesses to be:

  • Run by a management team
  • Oganized, systemized and as Automated as possible
  • A great place to work that attracts the best employees
  • Built on satisfying loyal customers
  • Making higher than the average industry profit
  • Growing equity and building wealth through the business
  • Creating lots of freedom and fun

Agyl helps business owners realize these objectives by designing, documenting, and automating business. Taking the time and start building your business systems.

The Process

The Agyl's business systems and quality improvement solution is designed to work collaboratively with you the business owner alongside your teams:

Step 1 - Kick off Workshop: Brief on the systems approach to solving problems and running a business. Look for and identify areas of opportunity.

Step 2 - Set your Strategic Objective: We work on clarifying organization's direction by creating a written Strategic Objective. This is the core direction message that forms the basis of decision making and systems building.

Step 3 - Establish your Decision-Making Guidelines: by putting together an Operating Principles document.

Step 4 - Design, Document, & Automate Systems: Alongside your team, help you build systems including: Operational Systems, Financial and Profit Systems, Growth Systems, People and Leadership Systems, Communication Systems, Fulfillment Systems, Productivity Systems, Measurement Systems, Personal Systems, and Maintenance Systems.

Step 5 - Continuous Improvement and Waste Elimination: Implement lean principles through continuous improvement and work towards elimination of the 8 deadly wastes of Overproduction, Overprocessing, Motion, Waiting, Transportation, Inventory, Rework of Defects, and Unused Employee Potential.

The Path to a Better Business Starts Here!

Take action and begin putting in place the essential systems for your business to increase your cash flow, reduce your stress, and free your time by taking the transformation assessment.

Free Business Transformation Assessment!

Take your business to the next level, begin with this simple 2-minute assessment.

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